вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

Self-direction is the key. Pictures are even a bigger key.

In his speech - click the words "in his speech" to see the speech - career analyst Dan Pink examines the phenomenon of motivation and proves that financial awards stop being efficient after a certain point. He sounds very convincing. But we would like to say that the animation for this video doubles his persuasion power. Can we get that guy with the pencil to all our presentations?

How to measure spaghetti with a noooodle

It is so hard to measure the right amount of spaghetti. How much do you need for one person? Or for three? The device called ‘noooodle’, designed by Konstantin Slawinsky, can help us. This spaghetti measure is twisted in such a way that 4 loops will provide the right portion for 1 to 4 people. And you can also use it as a trivet, when you are not measuring spaghetti.

Self-made thongs

Now you can make thongs from anything: from two spoons, from two forks, a fork and a spoon, etc. This handle functions the same way as a kids’ chopstick trainer does. The silicon handle has cross-shaped holes where any kind of silverware can be inserted. After that it can be used as thongs for any kind of cooking or eating purpose. This clever thing is designed by Kosntantin Slawinsky.

понедельник, 28 марта 2011 г.

Buttons for Pegasus

Horse riders need to cross streets from time to time, right? And it is a very good idea to have very high buttons on button-operated traffic lights, so that a rider can press the button and turn on the green light. There is no need to dismount.

The crossings equipped with traffic lights with such buttons are called Pegasus crossings, and we would like to thank Alexander Agatov for showing us this wonderful thing. There are also toucan crossings for cyclists where they are permitted to ride across the road. The toucan name comes from “two-can-cross”, meaning both pedestrians and cyclists. It is really nice when people remember that everybody may need a different thing on the road.

пятница, 25 марта 2011 г.

Double Dish

Joseph Joseph, the person who designed the Double Dish, made a great contribution to keeping tables clean. The Double Dish is, in fact, a double dish. It is created for serving snacks with shells or seeds: you serve snacks in the upper dish, and the shells and seeds go to the collection dish underneath. It can also be used as two separate dishes, if you want.