вторник, 12 октября 2010 г.

Shoot the wine

Yeah, we are obsessed with food and drink, so here is another one. Every time our colleague likes her wine in a restaurant, she gets her mobile and takes a picture of the label. We appreciated this practice after spending about half an hour in a wine shop trying to explain what kind of wine we wanted: “you know, white, rather sweet, very intense, German, or not…” Fortunately the owner of the shop understood us and delivered the bottle. But one cannot be this lucky every time, so now we are shooting the wine we like.

3 комментария:

Unknown комментирует...

I like the idea. Where are you planning on keeping the photo database of all the photos? Would love to take advantage of trying the wines that you folks like to drink.
Nitin Joshi

braingreat комментирует...

The data base idea is great, we need to start it as an addition to this blog. There is not a lot in it right now, but will be more for sure. This week my favorite is German Eis Wein - white and very sweet. K.

Анонимный комментирует...

Да, я тоже записывала хорошие. Есть масса мелочей, которые непонятно куда записывать - марки вина; название магазина, где что-то оч понравилось; какой-то сайт; чей-то совет, который понравился, имя художника с выставки и т.д. Они у меня все записаны повсюду... Хочу завести один красивый блокнот для всего этого)))